Social Media Profiles Are Apartments – Clean Yours!

Do you remember the last time you moved apartments? Bare, white walls; clear, varnished floors; your corner of the world for endless decorating possibilities. Well, today I’m going to draw up the comparison between that apartment, and your musician social media profiles. Please take off your shoes and let me lead you on a humble tour…


In a home, every room has some non-negotiable parts that make it what it is – the bedroom has to have a bed, the kitchen has a fridge, the bathroom has a sink and mirror, there are electrical outlets you need to be conscious of. Working around those, you now have the opportunity to create what you want out of your living space. 

On social media, you cannot change the shape of your profile picture or add length to tweets. Once those parameters are played within, however, now is the time to fully make your profiles yours. Some people are tidier than others. And some have a gift for interior decor. You can usually identify these people by their stylized, colour-schemed Instagram feed.

Just like with your home, maintaining clean, organized online profiles help clear your head and increase productivity. But, you’re not just doing this for your own sake – you also are having guests over!

While living in a pigsty can scare off even the most well-meaning acquaintances, a spotless, pure white pristine house (with plastic-wrapped furniture) can do the same after their admiration turns to nervousness about what they are permitted to touch. A happy middle ground of orderly yet full of personality makes you come across as authentic, and new friends feel welcomed. 

As well, bear in mind that while certain items should be left out for guests to find without asking (such as the bathroom toilet paper), others (such as dirty socks) need to be tucked away. The social media equivalent is clearly labelling buttons and links for fans to find the video/song/contact info they need, before getting frustrated and just leaving. 

And let’s not forget the parties! After hosting a party, clean up is needed. In this case, a party at your new apartment is the equivalent to boosting a post on Facebook. Having a sudden influx of people come through your door is bound to leave a picture frame or two crooked. Don’t forget to put things back in order. 

Stay Colourful, 

– Clarence


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