10 Friends Every Artist Needs In Their Community

If the last year has taught us artists anything, it’s the importance of community. Both the community amongst ourselves, and the ones local ones we are a part of solely by leaving footprints on this Earth. 

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If you recognize any of these ten friends I list below, reach out and thank them.

The Friend Who Believes In You

If you ever need a confidence boost before launching, posting, or doing anything incredibly brave, this is the person who is always in your corner. A constant cheerleader, they believe in you more than you do in yourself sometimes. 

The Friend Who’s Locally Involved

This beautiful soul knows that changing the world begins in our own backyard. Through volunteer work, activism, or event organization, their love for their community shows by always being up to date on what’s going on, and how we can bring our individual talents together for a result bigger than the sum of its parts.

The Friend Who’s Honest But Fair

As artists, it’s easy to fall into the trap of ending up surrounded only by “yes-men,” especially after having achieved some level of professional success. Keeping relationships with close friends who aren’t afraid to call it like they see it, and cut through any excuse or fluff, takes more personal strength than dismissing them as just another hater. But deep down, you know it’s worth it in the long run.

The Friend Who Knows Everybody

If you’re not a social butterfly who collects business cards like Pokemon, you probably know someone who is. Need a didgeridoo player? A reputable agent in a city you’ve never visited? The name of an event organizer? They can help.

The Friend With Impressive DIY Skills

If your fingers were designed to play guitar and not much else, time to send your handiest friend a box of chocolates. Coming from a guy who’s proud he can change a lightbulb, I’m so lucky that one of my closest friends is someone who can help me fix things. Being able to barter our different skills is what keeps communities going.

The Friend Who’s A Tough Negotiator

While on the subject of different talents, if you’re nice and polite to a fault, take good care of your friend who can put on a tough voice and attitude in business settings, and stand up for you when you’re overwhelmed. On the opposite end, if you’re the one who’s not afraid to call out people trying to pay in exposure, write firm emails, or negotiate fair rates, consider it your community-given calling to wield your talents for the good of the local scene.

The Friend Who’s Super Organized

Whether they’re spreadsheet royalty, or can coil cables like nobody’s business, be inspired by and learn from them. 

The Friend Who Runs A “Real” Business

Real in quotation marks, of course. However, it’s really easy when you’re working in a creative industry for people not to see you as a real business… and it can eventually rub off on you! Make sure to keep friends who own more conventional businesses - restaurants, Etsy stores, car repairs. They be wonderful influences on your professionalism, and you’ll in turn inspire creativity into their worlds.

The Friend Who Throws Great Parties

An event organizer in a past life, this friend is the host with the most. Beloved by their guests, they always seem to know the most fascinating, fun people and by attending, it’s an honour to be considered one of them.

The Friend Who Inspires You To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

They aren’t afraid of bold fashion choices, being the first in line, or trying something new. Just being around them inspires you to try to rise to their level. So keep rising together.


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